What should I expect from my Page Bird subscription?

What to expect from your Page Bird subscription


Our goal is to help you thrive on the internet, and our team is here to help with whatever you need to do so.

  • Our team of friendly humans.  Simply, email us at team@page-bird.com with your requests and we'll handle the rest. What kinds of updates can I request for my website?
  • Fast response time. We aim to complete most tasks in a matter of hours. This is not always possible, but we do our best!
  • One request a time. Send all requests our way but know we will handle them one at a time. We know you understand we're only human and our team serves many customers around the world! 


Your Page Bird website is designed and built with technical SEO best practices in mind to support your organic SEO. 

  • Your site is equipped with all the technical SEO features: meta tags, sitemaps, image optimization, and fast loads. 
  • You can integrate tools like MailChimp, Hotjar, Zoho, and many more using Zapier (free) and following this step-by-step guide.
  • We don't promote your website, generate new content for you nor create ad campaigns. 
  • Check out these SEO resources for more: 


On design: we design based on the needs of your website's visitors and aim for the best experience possible.

  • Some design assets we build ourselves and others we borrow or purchase from licensed asset libraries. 
  • We don't create logos, branding material, content, and any other design assets outside of your current website.


We build marketing websites using our proprietary software and the latest best practices using technologies like HTML 5, CSS3, Javascript, Ruby, and many more. We don't do sites that involve features like user log-in, e-commerce, and others that require the use of backend technologies. 

That being said, we probably can help you and find workarounds to build the website you need, so please let us know if you have any questions or comments! Simply email us at team@page-bird.com and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. 

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