What kinds of updates can I request for my website?

Requests we can help you with

Everything about the content, presentation, and interaction of your website (HTML, CSS, Javascript, forms and API integrations)

  • Changes to your website. Anything from changing the text and content of your website, or adding an image to adding a new product page or event and/or redesigning the homepage.
  • Integrating software and services to your website. Some software tools, like MailChimp, Paypal, Zoho, Hotjar, Constant Contact, Gmail, to name a few, require you to add meta tags to your website. We can add these for you! 
    • Simply, send us the code snippet (meta tag) provided by the software tool you're using and we'll take care of the rest! 
  • Recommendations for supporting tools and services. Not sure how to create your email address, how and where to buy your domain, or what publishing tool to use for your blog? Our team will recommend the best tools for the job! 
  • Some requests, like creating a landing page or translating your website from English to Spanish (or vice-versa), may be subject to additional charges on your subscription

Requests we can't help you with at the moment

Everything outside of the content, presentation, and interaction of your website (logos, custom images and, infographics, and any other digital asset)

  • Other digital assets. We don't design nor create custom images, infographics or any other form of digital assets. We can, of course, add those you provide to the website. 
  • Ad campaigns. We don't design, create nor manage ad campaigns. 
  • Managing social media accounts. We don't manage social media accounts and don't design any media assets to be used on social media. 
  • Troubleshooting for other software tools. While we can point you to the right troubleshooting guide, we can't manage your accounts on other services outside of Google G-Suite and Page Bird's Platform. 

If you're ever in doubt of whether we can help you with something, reach out to us at team@page-bird.com and we'll do our best to help you out! 

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