What Page Bird Does for SEO

What Page Bird Does for SEO

SEO is the process of improving your website's rankings in search results. While the factors determined by search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo are kept secret and updated frequently, we build all Page Bird websites following SEO Best Practices.

Page Bird has the technical side covered for you—there's no need to add complicated plugins nor get engrossed with the programming of your website. 

Here are some SEO-friendly features built into your Page Bird site:

SSL Certificate

All Page Bird websites include free SSL certificates (using Let's Encrypt) when connected and pointing to Page Bird sites. This is an SEO best practice, as sites that aren't SSL-secured can be penalized by search engines. 

Speed and asset optimization

Page Bird builds your website using static pages and ensures your website's code is optimized by bundling and minifying CSS and JavaScript and also compressing images. 

Optimizing assets improves the speed of your website. This is an SEO best practice, as sites that load faster rank higher on search results. 

Clear HTML Markup

Page Bird builds your website using clear  HTML markup that is indexable by search engines. By using HTML correctly, Page Bird websites also load faster across many different devices and internet connections. 

Automatic tagging

When tags are added to your website and used properly, Search Engines can index the information faster and thus give your website a higher ranking. 

All Page Bird websites are built so that images contain proper <alt> and <title>  tags (by converting image descriptions to <alt> tags), improving search engine indexing, and all meta tags for pages are generated automatically whenever the pages are updated. 

Clean URL's

All  pages and collection items on your site have static URLs that are easily indexed by search engines.

Automatic redirects

You can have multiple custom domains that allow you to access your site via one or more domain names. Page Bird websites are built so that all domains available redirect to the primary domain. 

For example, Page Bird can direct yourwebsite.com straight to www.ourwebsite.com and automatically redirecting users to the HTTPS version of the site, which increases the speed and security of your website. 

Note: All Page Bird websites are built for proper indexing by search engines. However, the content, how you choose to use Page Bird's tools and the strategies you deploy to promote your website are up to you.

Built-in mobile optimization

All Page Bird websites are built responsively to render properly across multiple devices, like mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers. 

Given Google's recent update that gives mobile-optimized sites a higher priority,  we've made sure all Page Bird websites are as lightweight as possible to load quickly and render properly on mobile devices. 

Site map

Once your website is ready to go live, Page Bird will generate and submit a sitemap.xml, which enumerates every link and image metadata to ensure proper indexing of your site .

Google Analytics

We can connect your new Page Bird website to your existing Google Analytics account or create a new account and grant you owner access to it. 

Note: SEO strategy falls outside of the scope of Page Bird's services and support. Search engines are complex programs and they change continuously. Plus, everyone's marketing needs are unique. For these reasons, we do not provide specific SEO advice to our customers. 

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