SEO Checklist

SEO checklist

All Page Bird websites are built using clear indexing for search engines. 

The content you add to your site and how you present it plays a big role in how easily people are able to find you. While we can create the initial written content of your website (also known as copywriting) based on the information you provide, we do not edit existing content nor create new content for you. 

As you prepare to launch your site, go through the list below to ensure your site is optimized for search engines and your potential visitors alike.

You don't need to worry about how to add any of these to your website. Simply send us an email with the content and where in your site you'd like to add it and we'll take care of updating your website. 

Note: All Page Bird websites are built for proper indexing by search engines. Additionally, we create the initial written content based on the information you provide, following SEO best practices. However, updating and monitoring the content of your site, the way you choose to use Page Bird's tools and the strategies you deploy to promote your website are up to you.

Before launch

The content on your page matters. Check out the content best practices in the last section of this article to learn more about what good content is from an SEO perspective. Additionally, review the meta descriptions below that you can create to make your website's pages more visible to search engines. 

Write a site title - A site title is a version of the page title that is added to the HTML. (This page title can be different from the headline that appears on the page). 

Even if you're using a logo you should add a site title, as the text may be indexed by search engines. We recommend you keep the title under 60 characters and include one or more of your keywords.

Write a site description - Add a short (50-300 characters), relevant, readable description of your site to your SEO site description. This text may appear below your site title in search results, depending on what your visitors search for.

Add SEO meta descriptions to your pages- Ensure each page has a proper meta descriptionThe text should be short and readable (50-300 characters), and describe the content of the specific page. 

What happens if you have lots of pages but not sure how to fit that in your schedule? Google has the answer:

If you don’t have time to create a description for every single page, try to prioritize your content: At the very least, create a description for the critical URLs like your home page and popular pages.

Add a descriptive slug: The Slug is the URL for the page and should match the title of your page. 


Read more about how meta descriptions help improve the SEO ranking of your website here.

After launch

As you add or edit content, ensure that your site stays as friendly as possible for search engines.

  • Use your site's Google Analytics tools - Visit your site's Google Analytics Panel to track changes to your site traffic and search engine ranking.
  • Track Google Analytics - Use our integration with Google Analytics for more visitor tracking and reporting.
  • Update your content and descriptions regularly and strategically - Continue optimizing your site by following our content best practices.

Tip: All Page Bird websites are built for proper indexing by search engines. We've got the technical side covered for you –adding meta descriptions is a part of that. But make sure to review these descriptions since your marketing needs are you unique, and your site's content needs to be updated regularly with relevant keywords. 

Content best practices

The content of a page is what makes it worthy of a search result position. It is what the user came to see and thus is extremely important to search engines.

From an SEO perspective, all good content has two main attributes. Good content must be valuable to your audience, must be shareable and must match your meta descriptions. 

Good content is valuable to your visitors

Just like the world’s markets, information is affected by supply and demand. The best content is that which does the best job of supplying the largest demand. It might take the form of an XKCD comic that is supplying nerd jokes to a large group of technologists or it might be a Wikipedia article that explains to the world the definition of Web 2.0. It can be a video, an image, a sound, or text, but it must supply a demand in order to be considered good content.

Good content is shareable and linkable

If people can’t link to your content, it is unlikely that search engines will index your site, and as a result, the content won’t drive traffic. Content that can't be shared is poor content in the "eyes" of search engines. 

Match meta descriptions with content

You want the meta description to match the content on the page. This is important. Google will find out when meta descriptions trick visitors into clicking and might even penalize the sites that do this. But apart from that, misleading descriptions will probably increase the bounce rate. It’s a bad idea for that reason alone.

Read more about writing great content here. And read the anatomy of an SEO-optimized page here

Tip: All Page Bird websites are built for proper indexing by search engines.  The best way you can improve your SEO rankings is by creating relevant content for your website's visitors. Think about what adds value to your website and how visitors are reacting to your content by tracking your site's analytics. You can also research your competitors' blogs. What topics are they covering? What topics are they not covering that are relevant to your visitors?

Things you can do to improve your website's SEO rankings

Here are a few things you can do to improve your SEO rankings. All of these fall outside the scope of Page Bird's services and support:

  • Creating new copywriting or content for your website.
  • Creating and updating a blog.
  • Promoting your website using organic or paid strategies. 
  • Designing, launching or managing ad campaigns.
  • Adding your website to services like "Google My Business".
  • Writing guest posts on larger blogs or news sites that link back to your website

If your business has a physical location, listing your address will help visitors find you

There are many places where you can add your location:

  • Google My Business. Review their FAQ section for more info.
  • Add a map block to your website
  • Add your address as text on a Contact page and footer

Feel free to email us at with your SEO questions! 

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