Rate our support team: Why rating our team's replies matters!

Why rating our replies matters

We strive to provide excellent customer service. Excellent service is kind, helpful, thoughtful and timely. We want your help in giving kudos when we're doing a great job or letting us know when we could have done better. 

Rating our replies is the best way to help our team improve our web design and support services for you! 

  • Ratings are reflected on our help desk dashboard and are directly linked to the team member who replied to your email.
  • Ratings are individual and help us determine when our team is helpful to you.
  • Ratings allow us to improve our communication with you and the quality of our work! 

How to rate our team's replies

  • Every time we reply to your email we ask you a simple question: How would you rate my reply?
  • By clicking "Great", "Okay", "Not Good" you provide a rating for that specific reply. 

When should you provide a rating for one of our team member's replies? 

  • Great. Every time one of our team members has replied promptly to solve a problem for you or whenever they went above and beyond to help you. 
  • OK. Every time one of our team members has provided what you needed but their reply could have been faster, kinder or more helpful. 
  • Not Good. Every time one of our team members could have done much better in providing you with what you need. 

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