Can you create a landing page for my website?

Yes, we can create a landing page for your Page Bird website!

About landing pages

A landing page is a great tool to help you:

  1. Convert more leads and sales from your ad spend with a dedicated page. 
  2. Direct visitors thru a specific funnel in your website. Common use cases include sign-ups for a new event, starting a new application process, or hiring a team member for an open position at your company.
  3. Generate interest in an upcoming product launch. 

Creating a landing page is simple:

  1. Send us an email to requesting a landing page and the content (wording, images, videos etc...) you will like to use on the landing page's design
  2. We'll add a $49/month "Landing Page fee" to your current subscription (landing pages are "add-ons" to your subscription unless you're paying an Enterprise Plan). 
  3. We'll use your current website's design to create the new landing page and have it ready in five work days or less. 

If you have any questions about landing pages, send us an email to and we'll gladly respond to your inquiries!

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