How can I set up my new custom email address?

Recommended email provider: Google G-Suite (Gmail)

To set up your email addresses, you'll need to create an account with an email provider. 

We recommend using Google's G Suite as your email provider.

If you're an education non-profit, you're eligible for G-Suite for Education, in which case you get the service for free. *Note that Google will need to verify that your organization is eligible. This requires extra steps in the process and may take a few days. 


Before you start creating a Google G-Suite (Gmail) account

If you don't own a domain or haven't purchased the domain you'd like to use for your new email addresses, get started by purchasing a domain.


Follow these steps to set up your Gmail account using Google's G Suite


1. Create an account for G Suite or G Suite for Education.

2. Follow Google's registration process. Google will ask if you have a domain. If you don't have a domain yet, get started by purchasing a domain before you continue with this registration process. If you already own a domain, select the "I have a domain option". 

3. Once you've completed the registration process and created an account, click "Go To Setup"

4. On your G-Suite Admin Dashboard, start by creating new email addresses for your team

5. Lastly, it's time to  Verify Your Domain. Follow these steps: 

  • Select the meta tag method (default)
  • Copy and paste the ENTIRE meta tag value, inside the gray box. Ex. below: 

  • Send us an email with the meta tag value. Please make sure to send us the full contents of the "meta tag value".
  • And you're done for now! Please leave the following checkbox unchecked (empty)

Our team will add the meta tag to your website. (After receiving the "meta tag value", our team will take care of verifying the domain and updating your DNS and MX records. We'll update you once this step is done).

We'll notify you once the meta tag and MX records have been added to your website. 


To complete the process of verifying your domain, log-in to your Google G-Suite Admin Dashboard, check all the checkboxes, starting with "I added the meta tag to my homepage" checkbox, and then click on the "Verify Domain and Setup Email" button. And that's it! Phew! 

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